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Named member of staff who will act as a first point of contact for anyone wanting more information on matters of research integrityProfessor Rob Warwick, Chair of the Research Ethics CommitteeEmail address: r.warwick@chi.ac.ukSection 2: Promoting high standards of research integrity and positive research culture. Description of actions and activities undertaken 2A. Description of current systems and culture Please describe how the organisation maintains high standards of research integrity and promotes positive research culture. It should include information on the support provided to researchers to understand standards, values and behaviours, such as training, support and guidance for researchers at different career stages/ disciplines. You may find it helpful to consider the following broad headings: Policies and systems Communications and engagement Culture, development and leadership Monitoring and reportingPolicies and systems The University has in place robust systems for establishing and delivering high standards of research integrity, and for ensuring that those standards are effectively monitored over time. The principal body responsible for this is the Research Ethics Committee, which meets four times a year. The HYPERLINK "/about-us/policies-and-statements/academic-and-student-support/" Research Ethics Policy, upheld by the Research Ethics Committee,seeks to empower individuals to take responsibility for and negotiate ethical issues arising from their research activities. A key responsibility of the Research Ethics Committee is to oversee applications for ethical review in accordance with theUniversity Ethics Policy. Communications and Engagement The Research Office acts as the first point of contact for all researchers who may have queries or need support about any issues relating to research ethics and integrity. All our policies are available on our main website, and further resources are available on a dedicated page on the Universitys Virtual Learning Platform, Moodle. Communication about any updates, or training available are made regularly via Moodles Announcement function and/or emails sent to all staff and students, whichever is more appropriate. Culture, Development and Leadership The University is committed to supporting its research culture, and has created an internal Research and Innovation Fund (RIF) to which researchers can apply for funding. The Panel that oversees the allocations particularly welcomes applications for funding projects that that can lead to impacts/benefits in wider society, such as impacts on health and wellbeing, culture, social welfare, commerce, public policy, production, and the environment. It is expected that researchers at all levels will be offered training about research integrity within their academic department, so that this is tailored to any discipline-specific considerations. The Research Ethics Committee also offers at least one training workshop per year dedicated to a specific theme. The Data Protection Office also offers online training to both staff and students. The Research Office provides a comprehensive and growing suite of training activities for all research-active staff and postgraduate students, including sessions on research development, research ethics and research supervision. Emphasised throughout these activities is the Universitys unerring commitment to empowering and serving its community, fostering vigilance around research ethics and integrity, and providing opportunities for individuals to raise and discuss any concerns they may have. For more details, see the latest version of our  HYPERLINK "/about-us/working-for-us/career-development/" Professional Development Programme. Monitoring and Reporting The Research Ethics Committee regularly conducts random audits with academic departments as part of its assurance process and to ensure compliance with the Research Ethics Policy. The Research Ethics Committee is overseen by the Universitys Research and Innovation Committee, and the Academic Board. The Committee submits an annual report on its activities to both its overseers.  2B. Changes and developments during the period under review Please provide an update on any changes made during the period, such as new initiatives, training, developments, also ongoing changes that are still underway. Drawing on Commitment 3 of the Concordat, please note any new or revised policies, practices and procedures to support researchers; training on research ethics and research integrity; training and mentoring opportunities to support the development of researchers skills throughout their careers.Research Ethics Policy The Research Ethics Committee reviews its policy biennially to ensure that the policy is up-to-date with current legislation and best practice. This policy was reviewed in 2023-24 and can be found on our  HYPERLINK "/about-us/policies-and-statements/academic-and-student-support/" website. A new addition to the policy was made to include a new statement on the Committees position on the use of AI in research. All staff and students were informed of the changes to the policy via an email which included a summary of the main changes and updates. Training In 2023/24, the Research Ethics Committee ran a training workshop on Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Research Ethics. As a result of that workshop, the Committee has updated its Moodle page to include a section on AI and research ethics, as part of its commitment to keep abreast of developments and thus be able to keep the wider research community at the University informed. Artificial Intelligence (AI) In 2023/24, the University of ̨swag released  HYPERLINK "https://help.chi.ac.uk/use-generative-ai-higher-education" guidance to students on the use of AI in higher education. This is part of a wider effort to ensure that, where AI is used, it is used as safely and with as much integrity and transparency as possible. Research Centres 2023/24 will be the first reporting period for our new Research Centres. These Centres were established to act as mentoring hubs for all our researchers, and they will report on all their activities in 2023/24. The Research and Innovation Committee will review these reports at the beginning of 2024/25 and feedback to the Centres where appropriate. This ensures that the Committee maintains an overview of the research culture and receives assurance that all researchers are being supported in their development.  2C. Reflections on progress and plans for future developments This should include a reflection on the previous years activity including a review of progress and impact of initiatives if known relating to activities referenced in the previous years statement. Note any issues that have hindered progress, e.g. resourcing or other issues.Plans for 2024-25 The University is currently reviewing its Data Management Policy to ensure this is in line with current best practice. The University is also coming to the end of its Strategic Plan period and will be looking to update this. Part of this exercise will include reviewing our strategy for research and ensuring that our culture fosters integrity in our researchers.  Section 3: Addressing research misconduct 3A. Statement on processes that the organisation has in place for dealing with allegations of misconduct Please provide: a brief summary of relevant organisation policies/ processes (e.g. research misconduct procedure, whistle-blowing policy, bullying/harassment policy; appointment of a third party to act as confidential liaison for persons wishing to raise concerns) and brief information on the periodic review of research misconduct processes (e.g. date of last review; any major changes during the period under review; date when processes will next be reviewed). information on how the organisation creates and embeds a research environment in which all staff, researchers and students feel comfortable to report instances of misconduct (e.g. code of practice for research, whistle-blowing, research misconduct procedure, informal liaison process, website signposting for reporting systems, training, mentoring, reflection and evaluation of policies, practices and procedures). anonymised key lessons learned from any investigations into allegations of misconduct which either identified opportunities for improvements in the organisations investigation procedure and/or related policies / processes/ culture or which showed that they were working well.The University is dedicated to ensuring that all research conducted under its auspices is underpinned by the highest standards of rigour and integrity. The Universitys principles about research integrity are outlined in its  HYPERLINK "/research/research-governance/" Researcher Code of Conduct. The Research Ethics Committee has the authority to investigate breaches of ethical practice in research, and may, where necessary, recommend that further investigation is undertaken in line with the Universitys  HYPERLINK "/about-us/policies-and-statements/employment/" Disciplinary Policy for Staff or the Procedures for Disciplinary Action outlined in our  HYPERLINK "/about-us/policies-and-statements/academic-quality-and-standards/" Academic Regulations, as applicable. The Research Ethics Policy is reviewed biennially. The Disciplinary Policy is reviewed every three years, and the Academic Regulations are reviewed each year. The University also has a  HYPERLINK "/about-us/policies-and-statements/legal-risk-and-governance/" Public Interest Disclosure (Whistleblowing) Policy and a  HYPERLINK "/about-us/policies-and-statements/employment/" Dignity at Work and Anti-Bullying and Harassment Policy. Both of these are publicly available on our website.  3B. Information on investigations of research misconduct that have been undertaken Please complete the table on the number of formal investigations completed during the period under review (including investigations which completed during this period but started in a previous academic year). Information from ongoing investigations should not be submitted. An organisations procedure may include an initial, preliminary, or screening stage to determine whether a formal investigation needs to be completed. These allegations should be included in the first column but only those that proceeded past this stage, to formal investigations, should be included in the second column.Type of allegationNumber of allegations Number of allegations reported to the organisation Number of formal investigationsNumber upheld in part after formal investigationNumber upheld in full after formal investigationFabrication0Falsification0Plagiarism1101Failure to meet legal, ethical and professional obligations 1101Misrepresentation (eg data; involvement; interests; qualification; and/or publication history) 0Improper dealing with allegations of misconduct 0Multiple areas of concern (when received in a single allegation) 0Other1101Total:3303*If you listed any allegations under the Other category, please give a brief, high-level summary of their type here. Do not give any identifying or confidential information when responding. The other category refers to commissioning (AI). Both this allegation and the plagiarism allegation refer to Level 6 undergraduate dissertation projects. The one incidence of a failure to meet legal obligations refers to a minor research data breach which was resolved extremely quickly after it had been reported. It was fully investigated by our Data Protection Office and found to be a minor breach with no further action needed. _______________ ____________________________________________________________   template developed by the uk research integrity office with the research integrity concordat signatories group  PAGE \* MERGEFORMAT 2  PAGE \* MERGEFORMAT 1 &'fg  + , - H      Z [ ɿ鷮xqq hH!huO hH!hC(hH!huO5\hH!huO0J h9Ch9Ch^ hHhuOhHhuO5\hHhuO0J h:hG}Ijh.0J+Uht\hG}I0J+jh.Uh.jh.U hG}IhG}Ih6@hhQ3h)' , UkdD$$Ifl0n && t0644 lapytHdh$IfgdHgdxhgdxgdx, - H vfffdh$IfgdHkd$$Ifl0n && t0644 lapytH   vffdh$IfgdHkd|$$Ifl0n && t0644 lapytH  [ vffdh$IfgdHkd$$Ifl0n && t0644 lapytH vffdh$IfgdHkd$$Ifl0n && t0644 lapytH   " # $    E F ]rvhH!hLOJQJ^JhH!hC(OJQJ^JhH!hB'u5OJQJ^J hH!hhTohH!hx0J hH!h$0J hH!h<0J hH!h$ hH!h/d hH!hIhH!hI6] hH!hql hH!hC(hH!hI5\hH!hI0J +  # ueedh$IfgdHkdP$$Ifl4.0n && t0644 lapytH# $ ueedh$IfgdHkd$$Ifl40n && t0644 lapytH  ueedh$IfgdHkd$$Ifl4>0n && t0644 lapytH  ]rupeePPPPh$If^`gdHm$ h$IfgdHgdxkd<$$Ifl4*0n && t0644 lapytH\uuuuuuuuuuE,$-D9DIfM [$\$gdC(nkd$$IflL t0644 lap ytH   opq(03Gi0Oծ栓yl_lyl_R_R_hH!h.7OJQJ^JhH!hlpOJQJ^JhH!hB'uOJQJ^JhH!h9OJQJ^JhH!h9_OJQJ^JhH!hOJQJ^JhH!hB'u5OJQJ^J%hH!hC(0J+B*OJQJ^Jph'jbhH!hC(OJQJU^J!jhH!hC(OJQJU^JhH!hC(OJQJ^JhH!h:OJQJ^J [\.Ă̧̻xxj\N@hH!h<OJQJ\^JhH!hgOJQJ\^JhH!h"I+OJQJ\^JhH!h3wOJQJ\^JhH!h:5OJQJ^JhH!hGU5OJQJ^J%hH!h:0J+B*OJQJ^Jph'jhH!h:OJQJU^J!jhH!h:OJQJU^JhH!h:OJQJ^JhH!h5cOJQJ^JhH!hOJQJ^JhH!h9_OJQJ^Juncc h$IfgdHhgdxnkd$$IflL t0644 lap ytHE,$-D9DIfM [$\$gd3w>\az{  = ] o r!s!!!û{tmmtmtmf˭ hH!h hH!hi1 hH!h9hH!h95hH!h-^y0J+\j hH!h-^yUjhH!h-^yU hH!h-^y hH!h.[ hH!h.7hH!h<5hH!hB'u5hH!h.[5hH!hx0J hH!h<0J hH!h$ hH!h<hH!hgOJQJ^J's!!""$~ $Ifgd.[ $Ifgd-^ynkd$ $$IflL t0644 lap ytH !!" 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